Nurses unions embrace coalitions to strengthen public health care
Coalitions with other like-minded organizations help nurses unions advance public health care, concluded a discussion convened by the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU).
Communications and government relations professionals from nurses unions across the country gathered in Ottawa and online last week to share strategies to address the health care crisis’ impact on nurses.
“We are members of the Canadian Health Coalition to keep pushing for universal pharmacare and other critical issues, allowing us to focus on the health human resources issues facing nurses,” said Linda Silas, President of the CFNU.
Participants received a report from the Canadian Health Coalition on the Health and Hope 2025 campaign to implement fully the health care commitments in the federal Liberal-NDP cooperation agreement. The Canadian Labour Congress also presented an update on its Care Campaign.
Nurses unions shared their experiences working in provincial health coalitions. Some unions looked forward to becoming more involved in coalitions and assisting in their development.

(Cover: New Brunswick nurses are joined by CFNU President Linda Silas and members of the CFNU National Executive Board at a rally calling on federal and provincial governments to take measures aimed at ending violence against health care workers protest, Moncton, 2019)